Energetic Support

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When you're first starting to develop your intuition, getting support from like-minded individuals is key. 

As your intuitive abilities start to increase, areas of your life may start to change in positive ways and you may start to get excited about what you're learning. You may feel drawn to share your enthusiasm and excitement with those closest to you. 

Often times, those closest to you, may not be able to support you in that way. 

Therefore, it's super important to surround yourself with support so that you do not get discouraged. 

Below are three ways that you can set yourself up for support on your intuitive journey: 

#1. Intuition Classes - Take an intuition class. Taking an intuition class is great for learning new tools and techniques that you can incorporate into your intuitive practice. It's also an excellent way to interact and form relationships with other students who are on a similar path as you. The bonds you form in these classes can change your life. 

#2. Intuition Group - Join an Intuition Group. Joining a group of like-minded souls is another great way to meet people with similar intuitive interests. Practicing your intuition in a group setting will also help you to build intuitive confidence and trust yourself more. 

#3. Intuitive Books - Reading an Intuitive book is a fantastic way to start to support yourself a long your intuitive journey. It can teach you new tools and techniques and often times, when you hear the author's story, it may be similar to your own. There may be parts of their journey that you can relate to. Knowing that there are others out there who have had similar experiences can uplift your spirit which can lead to feeling more supported a long your intuitive path. 

Whether you take a class, join a group or invest in some new reading materials, surrounding yourself with energetic support from a group of like-minded people plays a key a role in the development of your intuition. 


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