Sacred Space Decorating

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In the beginning stages of intuition development, it's important to create a sacred space.

A sacred space is place where you do your daily meditations.

Once you've decided on where you will meditate, you can start decorating your space with things that you love.

Here are three ideas to get your started:

#1. Journal - Keeping a journal handy is a great idea. During your daily meditation, you may receive intuitive guidance. When you have journal, you can write down and easily record any intuitive guidance you've received. Then, you can refer back to your journal at a later time for reflection.

#2. Oracle Cards - Oracle cards are cards that can be used as tools to aide in accessing your intuition. They have pictures, words, numbers, colors and themes. If you feel drawn to use oracle cards, choose an oracle card deck that feels right for you.


Journals + Idea Books


Sacred Space