Energetic Health

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Often times, as highly sensitive women, it's easy for us to pick up on other people's thoughts, feelings and experiences, especially when we're in the beginning stages of developing our intuition. 

It's natural for us, as human beings, to get excited when this happens.

However, it's really important to establish an energetic health regiment so that we can continue to grow and develop our gifts, in a way that supports us. 

Doing this allows our sensitivity and awareness to be fully present without allowing it to affect us. 

If you're just starting to develop your intuition, here are 2 ways to maintain your energetic health: 

#1. Meditate. Any form of meditation can quiet your mind. Quieting your mind centers you. Centering yourself brings you back to your physical body. When you're in your physical body, you feel grounded. When you feel grounded, your energies are clear. When your energies are clear, your vibration raises. When your vibration raises, your awareness raises. When your awareness raises and you're energies are grounded, you'll be better able to "read" the energies of others without taking it in. 

#2. Water. Water is a conduit for intuition. Drinking water makes your body happy. When you're body is happy, you're in a place of least resistance and you become a clearer channel for your intuition. Taking a shower or salt bath also clears your energy because it removes psychic debris, which leaves you feeling lighter, more energetic and relaxed. When you're in this state, your awareness raises and your energy is stronger. When your energy is stronger, you'll feel less like a sponge and more like a cell membrane, which is semi-permeable and much more selective about what energies enter. 

By adding a 20 minute meditation and drinking more water throughout the day, you're already taking a huge step in setting a strong foundation for your intuitive journey.

