Receiving Messages

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When you're in the beginning stages of developing your intuition, you may feel anxious.

You may find yourself worrying about whether or not the information you're receiving is accurate.

This happens when we "get in our heads."

When we worry about the outcome, it's harder to receive clear guidance and you may feel blocked.

Here are three ways to remove you intuitive blocks:

#1. Go for a walk - This will ground your energies, realign your focus and reduce anxiety.

#2. Meditate - This will also ground your energies, raise your vibrations and help you to clear your head so that you can be a clear channel for guidance.

#3. Breathe - This will bring you back to center and reduce your anxiety.

Overall, whether you go for a walk, meditate, or utilize deep breathing techniques, when you're feeling stuck, there are tools available to help you get out of your head and into the energy of your heart.

Always remember that Intuitive guidance comes from your heart, not your head.


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