Support Systems

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When you're first starting to develop your intuition, it's really important to surround yourself with supportive people who can guide you and encourage you along your journey. 

You may feel overwhelmed because there are so many resources available to you such as various intuition classes, groups and books to choose from.  

However, there is one sure way to choose what's right for you. 

By the way you feel. 

Naturally, as you start exploring your different options, you will feel drawn to certain resources more than others. Certain classes, groups and books will stand out to you and they will feel like great options for you. 

Trust your intuition and follow what feels really great, in your mind, body and soul. If you happen upon a resource that makes your body restrict, that is a sign that there may be another resource which is much better suited for you. 

Remember, there is no wrong choice here. Do not over complicate things. Find solace in knowing that all paths will lead you to that which you desire. 


Welcome to the Chronicles of the Hot Pink Shaman, woo-hoo!


Energetic Support